Saturday, December 26, 2009

Santa Snot

Good news everyone!
And you wanna know what he left me???

Magic Snot!
That's right. Santa sneezed magic boogers all over my table!!

Do you see it? It's all over the table!

I scooped all the snot into an envelope and I'm going to save it FOREVER!
However, I didn't save all of it.
Jennie and I sprinkled each other with the magic boogers and you know something? I think it worked because I was able to eat just as much, if not more than Santa would.

It was MAGIC!!!

I hate it when you're too full to eat mass amounts of delicious food. That happened to me on Christmas Eve, and I was kinda upset about it...
But not on Christmas! Santa really saved the day!

I'll have to save the magic snot for next time I go to a party with really great food-- now that I know what it's effects are.