Friday, October 23, 2009

Life is like a puddle...

So...I moved to case you were wondering what happened...
I made it.
I live in a cosy little cabin that makes me feel like I'm living inside of a holiday.
Jennie makes delicious soups
And I eat them
Life is good.
It's been a lovely October with lots of sun
But what's Seattle...without a little rain?
Last week the rain was dancing....calling us to come out and join
So we did.
We put on our rainboots.
Grabbed our umbrellas
Posed with our favorite book:

And we were off.

We waited for the bus

A few came, but we waved them away...

"Not today we say!"
We're gonna jump in the rain!!!!!

And that's exactly what we did.

We skipped, splashed, sploshed our way up to Starbucks.
All the while singing songs about the rain.
Mostly original songs by myself and Jennie.
They were pretty good songs if I do say so myself.

Who knew that Starbucks was so close to our house?

I think it was because we were skipping...

Skipping is probably the fastest AND funnest mode of transportation that exists in this world. I think this is probably a secret, because I never see anyone doing it.

The only bummer of the night was....

Jennie dropped her apple fritter on the floor.

But it really wasn't a bummer because...

we ate it anyways
We figured we were just building our immune systems.

By the time we left Starbucks, the rain really started dancing.
There was no fighting it.

We had to become one with the rain...

We turned into real life actual raindrops.
Do you know what it feels like to be a raindrop?
I will tell you...


It's a good feeling.

Eventually, the cold got to us.

And we decided we would rather be warm than be raindrops...

Lucky for us, we have onesie pajamas.

Which, if you didn't know...

have the magical power of transforming even the wettest raindrops- back into humans.