Today is...
I am not making this up.
America loves pie so much that she decided that January 23rd should be observed in honor and celebration of this delicious dessert.
God bless America.
The land of pie.
I wouldn't be surprised if the president himself made a speech about pie this evening on the news.
This could quite possibly be my new favorite holiday.
Krista and I were eager to celebrate,
So we headed to the store in search of pie ingredients.
But as it turns out,
Safeway knew about the holiday and had pie already made for us!

Thanks Safeway!

We chose our slices of pie.
Then we raced to the checkout stand to beat the rush of Pie buyers.
But oddly enough-
Krista and I were the only two people in Safeway buying Pie.
Anyways. We hurried home and broke out the pie and ice cream!

As you can see...
We haven't been this excited since Christmas morning.
Everything was sunshine and rainbows until....
Which is clearly Carrot Cake.
Needless to say, I was shocked and appalled by Krista's lack of participation in Pie day.

I openly showed my disapproval.
But then...
as it turns out,
Krista's carrot cake was AMAZING!

I decided to stop being mad so that she would let me eat more of her cake.
I guess any dessert is worth celebrating.
Stay with me here...
Today is January 23-
Lets try to remember the true meaning of this holiday...
Can you have your pie and eat it too? I know you can't do THAT with cake!! And January 23 happens to be your birthday (+)7/12ths, so I say in celebration of that pie!