Sunday, January 24, 2010

The lesson of Winter

Something I've noticed...
Something that's happening is this thing...
It's called:
No matter how much vitamin D I take
(And I take a whole lotta buncha)
It's still not SUNNY!
Why did I leave California again?
I forget.
Look at this little girl.

I left this!

I could have been sitting on the beach building sand castles
Letting the sand sift through my hands
Laying there forever, just doing nothing
With this little girl.
No wait.
By myself.
I forgot, I don't actually know that girl.
Well anyhow, I could have been all by myself on the beach....
No wait.
I forgot. I wasn't going to live at the beach.
I was going to live in some non-castle passing out hot dogs.
Ohhhh yeah....

Thank goodness I came back!
Even if there isn't a lot of sun or sifty sand...
there's still beaches...

and I mean

I know people.

And also...

Come on Mindy
It's supposed to be like this in January.
And February...
And March
Probably a little of April...

I guess winter is supposed to be like that.
That way, I remember how much I love the sun.
If it was always there I would forget that I loved it so much.
I would take it for granted.
Like I do with everything in my life.
So thank you winter.
For opening my eyes to see that the sun does not belong to me..
It's a gift


  1. If you could buy little viles of sunshine, Id buy you some. But I know thats just fancy talk. But how bout this, I almost guarantee you'll get some for your birthday. I mean- ours. We've gotten it the last 22 times.

  2. I don't know mouse...sometimes it's not even sunny on June 23rd. I'm recalling quite a few rainy birthdays....
    We better get to work on those viles of sunshine...just in case.
    I bet Amanda could do it. I mean, she catches the rain, why couldn't she catch the sun?
    Tell her to add a sunbeam catcher to her weather station. That oughtta do it.

  3. It has never rained on our birthday.
    And Amanda is actually the only person i know that carries sunshine around in her pockets. I'm sure she'd let us borrow some on our birthday if worse came to worse.

  4. Actually- i hear they have alot of sun where I'm going. I'll ship bulk amounts to you.

  5. I am so glad that you don't live in California!
    Also. I know what you mean about how when you live somewhere for a while you start to forget how beautiful it can be. I went for a run around my neighborhood in Bellingham and I was in awe of the really cute houses.
