As some of you may know, or probably all of you....I'm supposed to be living in Disneyland right now. In fact, I created this blog specifically so that I could keep people at home informed on my new magical life at Disneyland.
I'm not living at Disneyland.
You see...well, I mean...I did GO to Disneyland. I packed up my car with all my belongings and drove with my dad for 2 million years to get to the bloody south of California.
If you're thinking it's sad...
You're perfectly mistaken
You see, actually this is kinda funny.
More ridiculous than anything...but still funny
never sad though.
Except it was sad when I thought I was going to have to stay there for four months.
I really didn't want to do that.
I really didn't want to do this:

Does this kid not look miserable?
I don't want to be MISERABLE!!
Ok, but listen...
The thing is, Disneyland would have been fine. I know that I would have been fine and probably even have had a good time, but I just didn't want to. I wanted to start my life in Seattle. And when I applied for this internship, it was because I was trying to avoid starting my life after college. But I'm ready. I think. Well, as ready as I'll ever be.
But let me tell it to you straight:
I've been trying to get myself excited about this disneycollege thing, and I thought that the excitement would set in as soon as I got to Disneyland.
I walked into downtown disney and I just filled with dread.
We had just gotten our lunch when my dad asked:
"Are you startin to feel the magic yet?"
I burst into tears.
There I was. Sitting in downtown disney. Crying my eyes out.
So we went back to the hotel where I did some soul searching with my dad constantly assuring me that he wouldn't mind driving back with me if I changed my mind.
Then I called my mom to see what she thought, and in opposition to my dad, she told me that I needed to stay.
I had no idea what to do.
I felt like I had two brains
I needed to make up my mind in a timely matter. Since I could only withdraw before the program began. I laid on my hotel bed thinking and praying, wondering what I should do, when the phone rang. It was my good friend Jennie, who just moved to Detroit. She called me with the news that her old boss had just e-mailed her and said that her job was still available. She told me she was seriously considering moving back to Seattle even though she had just unpacked.
It was perfect! Within minutes we were making plans for our new life in Seattle. At the end of our conversation we revelled in our ridiculousness, and laughed at our situations. We had both basically done the same thing. Moved miles away, just to turn around and move back.
It made me feel better to know that we were both so ridiculous.
So there was the decision.
Sorry Disneyland. Seattle wins.
I sent an e-mail, made a phone call, and just like that, I was out of the program.
My dad and I went off to California Adventure-- which was where I was going to be working---in food service no less.
I felt confirmed in my decision after spending the day there that I really didn't want to work there after all.
I started wondering why I applied for the program at all...
I mean, I love Disneyland. I really do. I mean, come on, it's the happiest place on earth! But honestly, it's only the happiest place on earth if you're there with the people you love.
Since I'm not looking to have a career in Disney, it seemed counter progressive to spend four months there passing out hot dogs.
I'd much rather just start my life in Seattle.
So. Here I am.
Back where I started. Good ol' Bremerton
And off to....

Mouse! I'm so glad we are ridiculous together. We're going to have so much fun!!